Saturday 30 May 2015

Planning a New Layout for Social Subject here are Tips for Designers

It is very important for social websites to have great Layouts and the designers of these websites should put in all their knowledge about UI/UX designing in the making of these websites, in order to try and get maximum hits for them. These hits basically represent the number of followers or supporters for the cause represented by these social websites. This support from the public is very important and crucial for these social organizations as it is through this support only that they are able to fight against all the wrong that is happening in the society, be it to fellow humans or to the animals and the environment which cannot speak for themselves. 

Some of the basic tips which one should follow when designing these social sites are as follows:

Background Settings

For any layout when planned, the background color and the settings for the text of the website should be very carefully thought out. You do not want to give out a very aggressive message about your approach towards the problem and at the same time you also do not want to look meek. Use of aggressive shades like black and use of very bold texts and graphics should be avoided.

Focus only on key points in the home page

Many Designers in their attempt to squeeze in maximum information on the first page of the site itself make this opening page look extremely cluttered and disorganized. This should be avoided under all circumstances. There should be very limited and only relevant content present on this opening page and along with that all the relevant links to the subsequent pages should be carefully placed on this page.

Website Designing Is Not A Hobby

Designing of a website is a highly technical job and therefore, if you are thinking that you can use your hobby of art for the designing of your website, then you need to think again. The arrival of terms UI/UX clarifies this subject. It is important that the design of the website should be such that it reflects hope, positiveness and commitment towards a specific social cause. For your message to strike the right chords with the visitors of the website, the entire layout and the designing of the website needs to be managed in a very professional manner. Therefore, it is always better to hire qualified designers for the job rather than try to do it yourself.

Do Not Convert Your Website Into An Advertisement Bulletin

It is a common practice to allow other website owners to advertise about their site or create back links for their site on any other site. Use of pay per click online marketing technique has become extremely popular. But, it has been seen, that many websites have too many of these advertisements playing on their pages which make it very difficult to concentrate on the content of the main site itself. Besides this, these advertisements also ruin the look and feel of the site. Therefore, it is important to restrict the number of advertisements displayed on your site.

Use the above tips to improve the look and feel of your website and get many more followers and supporters for your social cause.

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